Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Could this week get worse

Well, I guess I shouldn't complain that much. And I don't think you all need to hear all my woes. And there are certainly many people out there who are having worse weeks. But I have not really had a very good last 3 days. Sunday I went to lunch with some of my co-workers and burst into tears. Then the last two days I have been on the verge. And then today, I was all geared up to go to yoga tonight and I had no clothes! I had packed them up this morning and left them by the door. So when I got there I was really upset. Yoga has become my way to relieve myself from all of my stress. When I moved to St. Louis I started going to Bikram yoga. An hour and a half at 105 degrees is a great way to forget all my worries. And tonight I really needed to go. So instead I came home and decided to blog. I might as well utilize what has become my other stress relief.

So for some knitting content. Finally a FO. Here is my tank! (sorry for the blurry picture)
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Pattern: Shapely Tank from White Lies designs (I can't get the link to work)
Yarn: Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in Jungle Green (from the best ever Secret Pal, May)

I love it. I wish I had altered the pattern a little. The neck band is a little ruffly, I think I picked up too many stitches. But I can live with it.

Finally, I have been tagged by Rachel with the book meme. She and I went to the same college. She was an english major and I was not, as you can probably tell by my answers. But I lived with one, does that count. I must warn all of you avid readers, my answers will probably not inspire you to go and crack open any great books.

Total Number of Books in Your House
Tons, I don't even know where to start. At least 300. There are tons that I have never even opened. And all of my medical books. There are a lot.

The Last Book You Bought Was...
There Eyes were watching God. I watched the movie when it was on TV and thought, I really have to get this book. But I haven't opened it yet.

What Was the Last Book You Read Before Reading This?
The Heart is a lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers. But I have been trying to read it

Write Down Five Books that You Often Read or that Mean A Lot to You
1. Williams Obstetrics. I don't recommend it to everyone, but it is the book that has gotten me through the last 6 years of my life. And I pick it up often.
2. Wuthering Heights. I think because I had tragic paper writing experience with this one. Maybe that is why I never became an english major.
3. I don't really have any other books that I read often or mean a lot to me. Unfortunately most of what I read is medical journals. I wish I had more time to read for pleasure. But I have always been a slow reader, and I have had so much other stuff to read in the recent past that my novel reading has gone by the wayside. Any suggestions on how to improve my reading speed will be greatly appreciated.

What Books Can You Absolutely Not Wait to Read to Your Children
I have to say anything by Dr. Suess. What a great exposure to great rhymes and all kinds of crazy creatures. But that will be far in the future since Mr. Right has not come into the picture yet.

Who Will You Tag Next and Why?
I am going to tag my sister Ashley, cause I know she has more time to read than me. But I also know that she is very busy, so we will have to see what she says.

Okay, I need to read more - and not medical related things.. So I think I may pledge not to watch any TV for the next week. And I should read something for fun, but I also have a lot of reading to do for work. For all of you out there, keep knitting.


Blogger Kristen said...

that tank looks great - the color looks wonderful with the ends of your hair poking into the picture! (what size needle did you use for it?)

I've enjoye sections of Williams OB, but haven't gotten to know it as well as I have Harrison's IM, and Robinson's Path. I'm hoping that changes next year!

(I hope you have a better end to the week...)

6/14/2005 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH NO! Not the Wuthering Heights tragedy. I was just telling that story the other day. I can't quite remember why, but it was so traumatic!! Stop thinking about trauma when you're having a bad week. ;P
I hope it's getting better. and remember I'm here to talk no matter what. who cares if i'm busy. I've always got time for you. Love ya,

6/15/2005 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK - so my comment makes it sound like i couldn't remember why it was traumatic. I certainly remember that. I can't remember why i was telling the story.
Have a good day. -a

6/15/2005 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for indulging this silly little survey. I don't think you should feel at all insecure about your reading selections. I hate it when people answer these things and you think, "They are really trying to impress people with the books they read." Or maybe that's just my own insecurities! Anyway, I enjoyed seeing what lines a dr's shelves and what she may have time for. It's a busy life most of us lead, and if you don't preach books for a living, you most likely DON'T have much time for novels. I read lots of magazines, too, but none of them as erudite as medical journals. Not unless Real Simple counts as erudite. No, didn't think so.

I'd love to hear about the Wuthering Heights tragedy sometime, but not necessarily on your blog if it's personal. Just if you feel like divulging it in email. I'm always interested to hear literature horror stories, as most people have one in their closet. I got lots of strong reactions when people used to find out I taught English. It's second only to math in the phobias it induces in people. You should write an article for JAMA about that one.

6/16/2005 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. Hope your week was better and I can totally relate to you about missing the yoga. I just started and have enjoyed it immensely, but my work schedule has caused me to have to be out of town for most of the classes during the week. I was highly annoyed and pretty grouchy this week as a result. It's my only social outlet outside of the internet since we don't know many people here. To say I'm a little bitter when I don't get to go to my class is an understatement.

6/16/2005 09:11:00 AM  

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