I got home today and found a card in the mail from my SP. She has been great, more than I can say for myself. And it is always nice to actually get some correspondence in mail, instead of just bills and all of the junk that I get. I think I could have refinanced my house 200 times in the last years. Oh well enough of that.
The card had 3 great flowery book marks in it! And this cut out from the paper

She said she thought of me when she saw it. (And I must give credit to the authors, not to impinge on any copyright) And I agree with Kenobi, although if you choose to go it alone, that is okay too.
Anyway, thanks SP.
Not much new knitting news. I did finish the first sleeve on my baby cardigan, and I have joined it with the body. I finished the edging on the second sleeve, and hopefully that will go quickly. But I have been really busy with things for work, so not much time for knitting. Let's just say that I am glad that you all are grateful that OB/GYN's have to be board certified, but the preparation to actually take the test (and that is not the studying part) is a pain in the neck. I better get back to it. Hope all are well.