Sunday, January 30, 2005

A busy knitting weekend

Well, I have to start my post with a funny story. This past summer, my mom found a bag full of yarn that I had bought to make a sweater when I was in college - probably 12 years ago. It is a pretty blue mercerized cotton. I had forgotten about it, until she found it in the closet. I have decided to pull out what I have already knit and find something else to use it for.

Last night my mom called me and told me that she had been looking at a knitting magazine at Barnes and Noble and found a sweater that she thought would be pretty in that yarn. The funny part about it is that I actually bought that magazine yesterday, cause I saw the sweater and thought the same thing! It is funny how my mom and my sister and I do that all the time. The sweater is called Tea Rose in Knitter's Magazine. I will have to get started on it soon.

In other news, I am almost finished with my first sock. I will post pictures later. (My camera is full of pics. I need to download them.) I spent most of last night working on it. I also went to see In Good Company (Topher Grace is so cute) and I took my French Market bag with me. I got quite a bit finished. The theater I went to is really cool. There is a huge balcony, but the first floor is covered with couches. I curled up on one of the couches and knitted away.

Well, I am excited about secret pal 4. I have heard from my pal, and sent a note to my pal. Yipee. I look forward to all the secrets!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Secret Pal 4, Here I Come!

I am so excited about Secret Pal 4. Here are my questions:

1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer high- a nd/natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you?
I'm not a yarn snob, but I do like nice things. I do like some of the Lion Brand, I have used several of there things. But anything itchy is not good.

2. Do you spin? Crochet?
I do not spin, bit I can crochet. I prefer to knit, probably cause I haven't crocheted in a long time.

3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.)
No allergies, but I don't like smoky smelling things.

4. How long have you been knitting?
I learned to knit when I was about 12. I knitted every summer for several years. Then when I was in college I stopped. I picked it up again about a year ago.

5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
No, but I may make one soon

6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
I like candles, just about any scent. But I am not a huge fan of scented bath products.

7. Do you have a sweet tooth?
Yes, a big one.

8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
I have made some jewelry in the past, and I have dabbled in scrapbooking. But I can't watch TV and do those very easily, so that is why I like to knit.

9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
Just about anything, except for rap music. I have recently had an interest in Jazz, but I don't know a lot about it. I am trying to learn. I can play MP3s.

10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer?
I don't really have a favorite color. I don't really like very bright things.

11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
Single with 2 cats.

12. What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know)
To live a fulfilling life, and be surrounded by people I love.

13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
I don't really have one. I like anything that feels good.

14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
Scratchy anything is not good.

15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?
Not really anything.

16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
I have knit everything, sweaters, scarves, bags. What ever I'm in the mood for.

17. What are you knitting right now?
A pair of socks, the French market bag from knitty, and a scarf for my mom.

18. What do you think about ponchos?
I like them.

19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
I use whichever.

20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
I have a set of Denise interchangeables that I use a lot, cause they have about every size. But I love wooden needles. I really would like to try some Addi turbos, but I haven't bought any yet.

21. Are you a sock knitter?

22. How did you learn to knit?
One summer, my mom taught my sister and I to knit. I wish I still had that little tank sweater that I made. I really loved it.

23. How old is your oldest UFO?
This past summer, my mom found a bag in the closet with yarn and a half knit sweater that I started in college -- that was about 12 years ago. I think I will pull it out and use the yarn for something else, cause the pattern is big sleeves, and big body. Gotta love the styles from the early '90s.

24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
I don't have a favorite animated character or animal.

25. What is your favorite holiday?
Halloween, it is also my birthday.

26. Is there anything that you collect?
No, I'm not a big fan of things that clutter. I guess if I picked something to collect, it would be good bottles of wine.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Another Friday

Well, another night at the hospital last night. And another day catching up on sleep. Sometimes I wonder why I have chosen this crazy job. But I really do love what I do. I just wish that babies didn't like to come in the middle of the night.

On the knitting front, I am halfway finished with the foot part of my sock. I will take some pictures later. It is going faster than I thought it would. The striping is coming out nicely. I hope to get some more done tonight as I veg out in front of the TV.

I am getting excited about SP4. I need to do the questions, and I will post them tomorrow. It is supposed to be a messy weather night here, with some sleet and snow. So it sounds like I will have lots of time this weekend to knit. Have a good weekend everyone.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Not much news

Well, I have not a whole lot to say, but I am trying to procrastinate while I should be reading for a presentation I have to give tomorrow. Since finishing my Anouk, I have been trying to work on the other WIPs I have right now. I have gotten some done on the french market bag, and I have joined the sock craze as well. But the biggest news, is I taught myself to knit continental. I don't know if I will be able to knit faster that way, but I am going to practice. Well, for now I must go read. More later.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Anouk is finished!

Well, I have finally finished anouk. Now I need to give it to my friend. I hope that she likes it. But now I have more time to knit for me! I have two more baby gifts to make, but I may get the Last-minute Knitted Gifts book, and the gifts won't take too long.

For now I am gonna work on my market bag and my sock. Not much more to share.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Well, it is cold here too, but I can't complain too much. We are not supposed to get nay snow, although the temperature is only barely gonna top freezing.

I am celebrating tonight cause I got my research proposal in to the review committee. Except I can't celebrate too much, cause I forgot a pretty important part. I just have to get it to them by Monday morning, which shouldn't be a problem. I basically have it done, I just have to cut and paste some things together.

Oh well, I have some knitting plans for the weekend -- first and foremost, finish Anouk. I may be able to do that tonight. Then I want to finish the market bag so I can finally say that I have felted something. I hope to also find a new project to start.

All of you all, stay warm out there. And have a good weekend knitting.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I can't think of a catchy title

Well, I have realized that I have truly succumbed to the knitting craze. I have three projects on the needles, I want to buy a lot more yarn, and I want to quit my job and open a yarn store (just kidding -- after 8 years of post high school education and almost 7 years of training, I really shouldn't do that).

I am almost finished with Anouk. I just need to finish up the front -- only about 3 inches left. It will knit up quickly. I bought some sock yarn , and I am trying Wendy's toe up pattern. I struggled with the wrapping at first, but I think I got it figured out. And then I must finish the French market bag. Then more projects to start!

I better get to bed. For a final note, I decided to sign up for Secret Pal 4. I'll have to start thinking of some ideas for presents. I am looking forward to it.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Let it snow!

It has snowed here twice this week. Today, we just got a dusting, but it was a good day to stay home and knit! For a girl from Virginia, where everything is at a standstill with the snow, twice in one week is a lot.

I am getting there on Anouk. I wish I could knit faster, but oh well. I think I am getting tennis elbow but I'm not sure why. My whole right arm aches. I think I am leaning on my elbow too much. And typing with my laptop doesn't help much.

Right now I am watching the Tsunami relief concert on TV, trying to stay warm and knitting away. I wish I had more exciting news to report. I need to find some good yarn to knit up something fun. Then I will have more to report. But for now, back to Anouk. Here is the front so far

And here is the scarf I made for my grandmother for christmas.
I think she liked it. I loved the Squiggle yarn that I used. It was a little tough to use, but it looks fun. Well, back to knitting.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A lazy Tuesday

I was on call last night, which means I had the day off today. I was unproductive, as usual. I did get a cable so I can hook up my new iPod to my stereo. It works! But working last night also means that I had to be in the hospital. I should start taking my WIPs with me so that I can work on them when I have some down time.

Right now, I am trying to finish Anouk. It goes much faster once I get to the bodice. I finished the back this weekend and I have cast on and knitted the first inch or so of the front. I think it will turn out nicely. I can't find my camera, so I can't post a pic. But I will search for it soon. I need to work on my french market bag too.

But right now, I am sitting here surrounded by my kitties, with a fire in the fireplace. I think I will go open a bottle of wine and watch Sex and the City on TBS. Here is a picture of my kitties. It is old, but they look the same. They are lazy, but I love them. More later.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Wish I had more time to knit

Well, this has been a busy week. I have been working on my Anouk. My friend had her baby on Monday. I guess I better get this thing finished. Otherwise, not much knitting. Work has consumed a lot of mine time, but what else is new. I should be used to it. Not much new knitting news. I wish I had more money to buy some yarn. But I hope to get lots of knitting done this weekend. I'll try to post some pictures this weekend.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

A busy holiday finally over

Well, I have been negligent in the last 2 weeks. But I haven't been knitting much either. Work has been crazy in the last few weeks. But now I am finished with all of that busy-ness and I can get down to some knitting.

First of all, my few knitted Christmas gifts were a hit. Lots of scarves - grandma and Bill. And that is really it.

Today I have started Anouk for a friend at work. A belated baby shower gift. I hope it will knit up quickly. I am using Micro-spun doubled and the gauge works that way. The colors are great. I will post some pics as I get some done.

Well, not much more. I am gonna go try and find some rings to join.